

Dexamethasone treatment for the acute respiratory distress syndrome: a multicentre, randomised controlled trial

Lancet Respir Med 2020; 8: 267–76 
P:moderate〜severe ARDS(≧18 years, PF≦200)
C:usual practice
O:28日目のventilator-free days
・n=277(DEX 139 vs control 138)
The mean number of ventilator-free days was higher in the dexamethasone group than in the control group (mean 12·3 [SD 9·9] vs 7·5 [9·0] days; between-groups difference 4·8 days [95% CI 2·57–7·03]; p<0·0001)
・At 60 days, 29 (21%) patients in the dexamethasone group and 50 (36%) patients in the control group had died (between-group difference –15·3% [–25·9 to –4·9]; p=0·0047).
少し古いですがARDSに対してventilator free daysと死亡率を有意差をもって改善したオープンラベルRCTです。デザインの問題としては、オープンラベルである、期間が6年と長い、途中で中断されている、想定していた死亡率と実際の死亡率の解離がある、DEX群で有意に腹臥位療法が少ない、除外患者が多いなどがある。良い点としては、Nが多い、肺保護換気など現代の診療に則しているなどがある。


N Engl J Med 2019;381:2338-51.
・1928年にsir Alexander Flemingがpenicillinを発見
On the basis of a nationwide survey in 1957, covering 827 hospitals in the United States, it was estimated that a total of 1000 penicillin-related deaths occurred during the first 10 years of penicillin use.
In addition, the increased use of penicillin since 1950 led to estimates that from 1965 to 1968 there had been 300 deaths annually from anaphylactic shock due to penicillin use in the United States, but these data were not verifiable.
The mean interval between the administration of penicillin and the onset of symptoms was less than 15 minutes in 85% of cases, and most patients died within 1 hour after administration.
Current Epidemiology and Geographic Relevance
Penicillin is the most common drug allergy identified in medical records, with a prevalence ranging from 6 to 25% across various regions and treatment populations.
The incidence of new reports of penicillin allergy in 2007 in the United States was 1.4% for females and 1.1% for males in a study that extracted data from the electronic health records of 411,534 patients who had received care from Kaiser Permanente.
Penicillin and Beta-Lactams
・他のbeta-lactamsと違い、penicillinsはthiazolidine ringをもち、cephalosporins and carbapenemsと違い、R2 or additional side-chain structuresを持たない
・早期のstudiesではpenicillinsとcephalosporinsのcross-reactivityが5%以上と言われてきたが、contamination of the early cephalosporin prepa- rations with penicillins was suspected→現在はpenicillin skin-testに陽性の患者の2%以下がcephalosporinsとcross-reactionがある。
In 99% of patients with a history of penicillin allergy, a skin test and a challenge with carbapenems are associated with an accept- able side-effects profile
Mechanisms of Penicillin Allergy
・penicillinsがproteins in plasmaと結合してhapten-carrier complexesを形成→アレルギー
Diagnosis of IgE-Mediated Penicillin Allergy
penicillin reagentsが同定→ the major determinant (penicilloyl polyly- sine), which is penicilloyl coupled to lysine for stabilization as a diagnostic agent; use of a minor- determinant mixture
the positive predictive value for penicillin skin testing with these reagents was established at 50 to 75%, and the negative predictive value at more than 93%.
Penicillin Skin Testing for IgE-Mediated Reactions
・drug challenges with penicillinがreference standard
The current negative predictive value with the use of a complete set of major and minor deter- minants is estimated at approximately 98%, with a 2 to 3% rate of false negative reactions after penicillin challenge and generally mild cutaneous reactions
Direct Challenge without Skin Testing for Children
Penicillin skin testing is safe and effective in the evaluation of children with a history of penicillin allergy.
These and other studies suggest that a direct penicillin challenge without skin testing is probably appropriate for children with a history of a benign rash but without a history of anaphylaxis
Other indications for direct challenges include a recorded history of penicillin allergy involving symptoms that are not suggestive of allergy (e.g., nausea or headache), a family history of penicil- lin allergy, unknown reactions, and pruritus without rash. 
・A direct penicillin challenge as a general approach is not recommended until larger studies can confirm its safety and effectiveness
Testing for Delayed Penicillin Allergy
Skin-testing procedures for delayed reactions to penicillins include patch, delayed prick, and intradermal testing
Genetic Risk
Clinical Implications of a Penicillin-Allergy Label 
・お金もかかる→A label of penicillin allergy is also costly. Several studies from North America and Europe have documented higher costs of inpatient and outpatient care for patients with penicillin aller- gy,51,52 and it is estimated that penicillin-allergy testing and delabeling lead to cost savings, with the largest study showing a reduction in total health care expenses of $1,915 (in U.S. dollars) per patient per year
Penicillin-Allergy Assessment in Antibiotic Stewardship Programs
In contemporary clinical practice, more than 90% of patients labeled as allergic to penicillin can safely receive the drug.
Since the majority of adults with a penicillin-allergy label acquired it in childhood and since more than 90% of patients labeled as allergic to penicillin can have the label removed
Best Clinical Practices for Removing the Penicillin-Allergy Label
Penicillin Desensitization
Patients with IgE-dependent penicillin allergy, including anaphylaxis, who require penicillin as first-line therapy are candidates for rapid desensitization

Vit D欠乏のICU患者に対するvit D補充療法のRCT

Early High-Dose Vitamin D3 for Critically Ill, Vitamin D–Deficient Patients 
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1911124
the Vitamin D to Improve Out- comes by Leveraging Early Treatment (VIOLET) trial
先行研究( JAMA 2014; 312:1520-30.)で効果がありそうでありその大規模RCT。
P:vitamin D–deficient patients who were at high risk for death
※risk of death→以下の1つ以上:acute risk factors for death or lung injury that contributed directly to the need for ICU admis- sion (pneumonia, sepsis, shock, mechanical ven- tilation for acute respiratory failure, aspiration, smoke inhalation, pancreatitis, or lung contusion).
※vit D deficiency→20ng/ml未満
Inclusion Criteria:
Exclusion Criteria:
I:single enteral dose of 540,000 IU of vitamin D
O:The primary end point was 90-day all-cause, all-location mortality.
デザインはランダム化、マスキング、ITTともに良好。かつ、ICU入室前またはかなり早期から補充し、補充前に測定してVit Dが欠乏している患者かつ死亡リスクが高い患者に限っている。

COPD急性増悪予防のβ blockerのRCT

Metoprolol for the Prevention of Acute Exacerbations of COPD
the BLOCK COPD (Beta-Blockers for the Prevention of Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) trial 
N Engl J Med 2019;381:2304-14.
観察研究からはmoderate or severe COPD患者にβ blockerは増悪と死亡のリスクを減らすかもしれなと言われてきたがランダム化研究での知見はないため今回RCTが行われた。
※中程度の気流制限→GOLDに準じて以下を満たす:a forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) of less than 80% of the predicted value after bron- chodilation and a ratio of the FEV1 to the forced vital 
capacity (FVC) of less than 0.70.
※増悪のリスクが上昇→以下の1つを少なくとも満たす: the receipt of a course of sys- temic glucocorticoids or antibiotic agents for respiratory problems during the previous year, a visit to an emergency department or hospitalization for a COPD exacerbation during the previous year, or the receipt of a prescription for supple- mental oxygen for use at home for the treatment of COPD.
Inclusion Criteria: resting heart rate between 65 and 120 beats per minute and a resting systolic blood pressure of more than 100 mm Hg
Exclusion Criteria:a proven indication for the use of a beta-blocker, including a history of myocardial infarction or revascularization within the previous 36 months or heart failure with a known left ventricular ejection fraction of less than 40%
O:The primary end point was the time until the first exacerbation of COPD during the treatment period, which ranged from 336 to 350 days, depending on the adjusted dose of metoprolol.
かなり衝撃的な結果でした。primary outcomeではないし有意差がないもののβ blocker群で死亡率が高めであったのが特に。

悪性胸水に対する胸腔鏡下 vs chest tubeによるタルク投与のRCT

Effect of Thoracoscopic Talc Poudrage vs Talc Slurry via Chest Tube on Pleurodesis Failure Rate Among Patients With Malignant Pleural Effusions A Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.19997
The TAPPS (Evaluating the efficacy of Thoracoscopy And talc Poudrage versus Pleurodesis using talc Slurry) trial
P: Participants were required to be able to tolerate thoracoscopy with moderate sedation and have an estimated survival of longer than 3 months.
※MPE→either proven histocytologically, an unexplained effusion in the context of proven cancer, or suggested by pleural changes con- sistent with malignancy on cross-sectional imaging. 
I:the talc poudrage group (n = 166) received 4 g of talc poudrage during thoracoscopy while under moderate sedation
C:the control group (n = 164) underwent bedside chest tube insertion with local anesthesia followed by administration of 4 g of sterile talc slurry.
O:The primary outcome was pleurodesis failure up to 90 days after randomization.
Pleurodesis failure was recorded if the patient underwent any of the following interventions on the same side as the trial intervention during the follow-up period: removal of ≥100 mL of fluid during thoracentesis (this threshold was chosen to distinguish between a low-volume diagnostic procedure and a higher-volume therapeutic procedure); chest tube insertion for fluid management; insertion of an indwelling pleural catheter; or thoracoscopy of any kind.
Secondary outcomes included pleurodesis failure at 30 and 180 days; time to pleurodesis failure; number of nights spent in the hospital over 90 days; patient-reported thoracic pain and dyspnea at 7, 30, 90, and 180 days; health-related quality of life at 30, 90, and 180 days; all-cause mortality; and percentage of opacification on chest radiograph at drain removal and at 30, 90, and 180 days.
結果はprimary, secondary outcomeを含めてすべて有意差なし。このRCTをもって胸腔鏡投与の優越性は示せなかった。
個人的な経験としてはchest tubeでの投与が主流でした。うまくいかない経験もあったため胸腔鏡で効果的であればよりいいかなと思っていました。


Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism with d-Dimer Adjusted to Clinical Probability 
Pulmonary Embolism Graduated D-Dimer (PEGeD) study
N Engl J Med 2019;381:2125-34.
low clinical pretest probability(C-PTP)+D-dimer<1000ng/ml or moderate C-PTP+D-dimer<500ng/mlでPEが除外できたstudy
P:symptoms or signsでPEが疑われる外来または入院患者(結果的に入院患者は1人のみenrolled)
・low clinical pretest probability(C-PTP)+D-dimer<1000ng/ml or moderate C-PTP+D-dimer<500ng/ml→画像検索せずにフォロー、抗凝固なし
・それ以外のすべての患者(all patients with a high C-PTPも含めて)→全例画像検索(CT pulmonary angiog- raphy or, at the physician’s discretion, ventilation– perfusion lung scanning)→もしPEがあれば抗凝固療法
※C-PTPはthe seven-item Wells clinical prediction rule (scores range from 0 to 12.5, with higher scores indicating a higher probability of pulmonary embolism)で評価→ low (Wells score, 0 to 4.0), moderate (4.5 to 6.0), or high (≥6.5)
・The primary outcome was symptomatic, objectively verified venous thromboembolism, which included pulmonary embolism or deep-vein thrombosis. 
Canadaで行われたPE除外のstudy。2017人がinclusionされた。上記除外基準を満たした患者は3ヶ月フォローアップでもVTEのある患者はいなかった(95% confidence interval [CI], 0.00 to 0.29%)↓
PEGeDとStandard(low C-PTP+D-dimer<500で除外)とAge-adjusted D-dimerとYEARS studyの比較。low C-PTPではPEGeDがより多くの患者が除外できている。
PEはアジア人では少ないのではないかと言われてきたが観察研究によると欧米と有病率が変わらないとも言われている。救急の現場でもいわゆるstandardやage-adjustedに完全に則ってPEを疑う患者に診察しているでしょうか。個人的にはやはりeCTに躊躇がありそれ以外の情報を集めて総合的に判断している場合が多いです。その原因の1つとしてはやはりwells scoreが低くてもd-dimerの値が該当する可能性が高いため(特に高齢者の場合は併存疾患などで上昇する)、かなりの数が画像検査となる印象があるからです。そのような現状にやや光を投げかけてくれたこのstudy。

大腿骨骨折に対するTotal Hip Arthroplasty vs HemiarthroplastyのRCT

Total Hip Arthroplasty or Hemiarthroplasty for Hip Fracture
the Hip Fracture Evaluation with Alternatives of Total Hip Arthroplasty versus Hemiarthroplasty (HEALTH) trial
N Engl J Med 2019;381:2199-208.
P:displaced femoral neck fractureがある50歳以上の男性。骨折前は自立歩行可能。
C:total hip arthroplasty
O:The primary end point was a secondary hip procedure within 24 months of follow-up. 
Secondary end points included death, serious adverse events, hip-related complications, health-related quality of life, function, and overall health end points.
手術の比較でありmaskingが難しいこと、loss of followupがなかなか多かったことがデザイン上問題である。
結果はprimary outcomeについて有意差なし。